Posted by : Me Thursday, 25 February 2016

Level: BA/Bsc 
Subject: mathematical economics

Types of Matrices:

Column matrix:

A matrix is said to be a column matrix if it has only one column. For example, below is a column matrix of order 3×1

Row matrix:

A matrix is said to be a row matrix of it has only one row. For example , below is a row matrix of order 3×1

Square matrix:

A matrix is said to be a square matrix if its number of rows are equal to the number if its columns. Thus m×n matrix is said to be a square matrix if m=n and is known as a square matrix of order 'n' . For example:

Matrix A is a square matrix of order 2

While, matrix B is a square matrix of order 3.

Equal matrix:

Two matrix are equal if their corresponding elements are equal. If two matrices fulfill the following conditions, they are said to be equal:
  • Each matrix has the same number of rows.
  • Each matrix aphas the same number of columns.
  • Corresponding elements within each matrix are equal.
Consider the three matrices shown below.

If A=B , we know that x=3 and y=0; since corresponding elements of equal matrices are also equal. And we know that the matrix C is not equal to A or B because C has more columns than A or B.

Diagonal matrix:

A square matrix is said to be a diagonal matrix if all its non diagonal elements are zero. For example,

Scalar Matrix:

A diagonal matrix is said to be a scalar matrix if its diagonal elemennts are equal. For example,
are scalar matrices of order 2 and 3, respectively.

Identity matrix:

A square matrix in which elements in the diagonal are all 1 and rest of the elements are all zero is called an identity or unit matrix.
For example,


A scalar matrix is an identity matrix when k=1. But every identity matrix is clearly a scalar matrix. The identity matrix has a unique feature that ifbanmatrix that is multiplied by identity matrix remains the same; that is: AI=IA=A

Null matrix:

A matrix is said to be zero matrix or null matrix if all its elements are zero.
For example,

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